Saturday 9 February 2013

                                       UNREASONABLE REASON RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS
                                              THE INTENTION OF THE MINDS HEART
             In God we trust    to protect the innocent of America when there is action and less talk
Discussions - Talk Shows - Media - Press - More talk shows. Sheriffs wont allow the Feds to enforce
these "Illegal Laws" WHERE is "Lets act to save lives". As one young man said during the Queensland floods, " We have all put our EGOS in our pockets and got on with the job to help to save lives and property". Put aside Egoism for the greater good.
Their seems to be a crises of too much discussion- This writer beleives this can be Iresponsible to the Righteous cause.
Why you ask? Because potentialy 300 million guns just went under ground - disappeared!
Also because you told the whole of America what the BIG BAD WOLF is proposing to the bad guys, STREET GUYS - the Unstable - the undesirables - the mentals. Not good strategy!
It has now become harder for the Law Enforcement Agencies to do their work to stop the bad guys
(NRA discription) with the W.O.M.D including Auto pistols & magazines.
 I fear you have lost the initiative of surprise they have already disappeared into the crowed - shadows,
they maybe what they are but their not stupid, i pray.

Hopefully the communities, doctors, hospitals, churches, soup kitchens, brothels,social media, taxi drivers,etc will help identify those that are at risk to the community with possession of firearms now,
providing them with the appropriate medical help of course.

STOP the over the top talk back shows - of the right to bear arms and talk about the rights of the innocent people to live, walk, work, pray, play in peace & safety.
You say, Judge Jeanine your right to own a gun to defend against others who own a gun Right!- Right
Stop! enough announcing it, your one of the good guys. Keep talking about the penalties you would impose on these killers, murders & OTHERS to help the Law Enforcers. SCARE the hebegebes out them BUT for all of you to mean it completely. By the way Judge forgive me but you know the story
about the father who shot his son because he thought he was a burglar  he forgot his key, sorry. i'm taking that right because when i was in South Africa my uncle 80 something when we were going to bed he says don't worry son i've locked up & i have this under my pilo - showing me a pistol - needless to say i did'nt go to the toilet until i heard him get up first in the morning.

The NRA says that back ground checks wont make a difference now boys what happened to a bad guy with a gun needs a good guy with a gun - Help don't Hinder the VICE - PRESIDENT - is it not a good idea to know who the bad guy is before we start shooting and better still if their are no W.O.M.D on any body. The more good guys that register the more bad guys will be exposed. Step up boys come on!

Anyway it's probably too late because you told the whole of America instead of playing your part to stop the use W.O.M.D and so the Secound Amendment right will remain a round robin similarly to the
principal of the Corcican Curse on the American people with unabated killings & slaughter which i don't believe the S. A. Forefathers would like to see this Brutality on their own people. forgive me.

The culture of the Right To Bear Arms that has pervaded the very physice of some of the people, need
help to change  - KILL OR BE KILLED
                            KILL BECAUSE I HAVE A GUN
                            KILL FIRST DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS AFTER
Exists only because they have access to guns & magazines and needs to change to  HONOURING THAT LIFE IS A MIRICLE & SCARED  THAT COULD BE YOURS OR YOUR FAMILYS.
As well, the boys and girls in all the SERVICES know  you shoot to saves lives and preserve the Holy & Blessed Freedoms with all Gods gifts to us in peace, love, harmony Especially in safety.

This is more than gun control this is about the very conscious loving heart of the soul of America that already exists in all of us with the grace of God but god forbid that there should be another Newtown
(God bless them) i pray not because it will divide & tear at the heart of the American people, seeing the anguish & pain of a beloved Mother for her child that only a MOTHER can FEEL and hearing of the children that ran out of the classroom held hands in a circle by themselves in the padcock somwhere,  the symbolism of that is enough for us to look beyond our inadequacies. foregive me. 3rd article.

GB AUSTRALIA    no personal publicity   thanks   god bless & god protect all people in all conflicts

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