Sunday 15 September 2013

                                             SMALL BUSINESS SUMMIT  
                                    CALLING SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS
                               THE COUNTRY & THE ECONOMY NEEDS YOU
                                                                                     2. 10-15 PEOPLE
                                                                                     3.  5-10 PEOPLE
                                                                                     4.   1-5   PEOPLE
No subsidiaries of larger companies to attend summit.                                                         

 It needs to be repeated again - That Small businesses are an important Pillar of Economic 
 Prosperity, Stability& Entrepreneurial endeavours." Unrestrained monopolies stopping the advance & swallowing up of smaller Businesses will ensure the balance in the Economy.” 
As an American Senator said at the hight of the GFC crises we have to do whatever we can to help small business stay small & grow bigger if they choose.  

It would be fair & honest to say that some of us would be prepared to admit that we have been humbled & grateful for the lessons learnt from the GFC crises & with our over exuberant business dealings as hopefully the same lessons learnt for our countries Government Governance.

As one selfless  Mother recently said when asked about the Parental leave scheme, in this economy Climate it is too generous & not the right time, words to that effect.

As a small business owner i make this passionate plea with authenticity,as you have said 
Prime Minister that you are passionate about small business, then take this Country to a
New level of recognition with the changes necessary to give the impetus to SMEs that no other Leader has done in History.

Someone in authority said with the fact that 20% of small businesses closed during this GFC
crises that it is part of the " structural change" that the country is going through, that may be so unless your on the receiving end of all the Forces that are beyond the SMEs cause & affect that governments can & should influence namely; 
1. World events of the GFC
2. Political Stability & Reliability
3. control of spending - Good Government Governance
4.maintaining Surpluses- Good Government Governance. May i suggest a plan to create 
sovereign wealth fund of one $1 trillion which will give greater control of our own destiny 
lessing the shackles of the world economic vagrancies with a positive flow on affect to our whole economy.
5. A Banking System supporting SMEs with appropriate loan packages of up to 20 yrs.There
needs to be some innovating banking system similar to other industries eg rural loans & 
maybe a Government Bank Guarantee until it is a new established competitor.
6. May be the proposed super levy increase should be allocated up to 10% as per & the 2%
too the National wealth fund until we reach the $1 trillion. I sure the Australian people will accept once it is explained the benefits it will have to the country & future generations of Australians
7. Minister for small business & SME Ombudsman should have retired experts, accountants,
bankers, lawyers, fairwork reps on hand to help without of fear of embaresment or ridicule in
strict privacy & confidence giving smes the help in the same way consumers have at present.
SMEs have rights to but who do they turn to, the costs are becoming prohibitive & unsustainable to further grow the business unless you reach a certain cash flow which 
ultimately pushes smaller size smes out of business. throw in any litigation costs, insurance
delays, lights out,no smes should have to bear these costs. 
SMEs should have easy access to the above in the same manner consumers have to the 
Dept of fair trading. Consumers should be made aware of the power they have which can
help maintain competition or close smes leaving us all at the mercy of medium & big business.
8. Fair Work Aust  Business Reps & Union Reps to work side by side for the greater good 
not selfish individual dogma. It should not be about you or me or group but about ALL of us,
as Mal Maninga said “We all have a responsibility to the Game not our own selfishness.
9.Less red tape & paper work
10.Less regulations. Do you want us to produce or scratch everybody else’s Itch.
11. flexible Labour
12.Electricity costs. There are a number of services that are essential to all business that should not  be in the hands of bean counters being in a position to abuse their power &
 13. Insurance claims should be dealt without having to spend time on paperwork affecting 
the owners productive time, further, Lawyers should not have to be employed for insurance claims. 
14.White collar crime needs to be dealt with more effectively as it affects smes cash flow & 
business overall, lots of times not being able to recover, closing the business.

Forgive me Prime minister like you all of us love this Country i believe like you the Liberal Party has the opportunity now to create an Enlightened Period of Visionary Innovation &
Nation building (yes with fairness) to the Economy, Education, Health,Arts, Infrastructure
Humanitarian Respect for the Refugees, Promote & encourage Foreign Investment ( which
i believe will happen to a greater degree to our benefit when we transcend the Racial & Xenophobic Fear & Ignorance).
We created Xenophobic fear during the so called Japanese takeover of Australia when they
were buying up everything well did they take everything back with them, no, did we benefit 
yes we did.

We should have the courage of scrutinised fairness in changing the culture of Expectancy,
Dependancy & Entitlements hopefully learning from the Greek Tragedy of years of socialist
Government handouts creating the culture of selfish acceptance of expectancy,dependancy,
& entitlements instead of a foundational sacrifice for the greater long term good of the 
country. As the selfless words from that mother that ring true.

John Cassidy of Fortune magazine wrote (in part) that i believe we can take some lessons from “ It is imperative to do all we can to shockproof the economy. (as did Howard & Costello) That means more effective regulation, less encouragement of debt - fuelled risk
taking,and the Fed & other Authorities showing a willingness to remove the punch bowl
As the party gets going. Steady as she goes beats boom & bust. it,s an old lesson,but one
that was forgotten during the “great moderation of the 1990 & 2000s”

This is were in my opinion the RBA & TREASURY should have a greater say on government spending,the budget, fiscal& monetary policy discussions as an Analysis Overseer on the affect to the over all economy. We are all sick & tied of boom & busts, interest rates up, interest down businesses closing, jobs being lost. There has to be a better way, this is were we need Leaders to be "CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF OUR COUNTRY” (anne summers).

My fellow older Elder Codgers(i’m older not dead) our work is not yet done stand tall so as to impart our wisdom & knowledge to help our sons, daughters & grandchildren for the greater 
good of this our blessed country the scared land of the Dreamtime of the Noble Aboriginal
Native Nation.

The difference between the impossible & the possible is mans will.
Good deeds are our purest prayers.

       GB     no personal publicity.  thanks.  drafted before the elections.


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