Tuesday 29 April 2014



                                                          FREEDOM OF SPEECH
                                                 HONOURED OR DISHONOURED

                                        RESPONSIBLE WORDS WRITTEN AND VERBALISED

                               Them there little words that can be the beginning of use and abuse
           It was Words Written and Verbalised that created the South African APARTHEID with all its
           Inhumane acts on the dignity and lives of the AFRICAN people.

           It was Words Written and Verbalised in MEIN KEMPH that created the Monster Hitler with all
           his Inhumane acts on the dignity and lives of the JEWISH people and the lives lost by all the                  

            It was Words Written and Verbalised that created the use and abuse by POLL POTT on his
            people with all his Inhumane acts on the dignity and there lives.

            It was Words Written and Verbalised that created SEGREGATION with all its Inhumane
            acts on the dignity and lives of the AFRICAN AMERICAN PEOPLE.

            It was Words Written and Verbalised that created the lost generation of our ABORIGINAL
            NATIVES and treated like Inhuman Aliens in there OWN country.

            FREEDOM- Sacred, Holy and Blessed comes with the responsible use and abuse of Words
            Written and Verbalised.
             Let us all remind ourselves it is only a short walk from Written and Verbalised Nationalism
             to Fanaticism and that our fathers and forefathers came to live in peace, harmony, love, respect,
             acceptance with inclusion in this Sacred land of the Dreamtime.
             G.B   no person publicity    In the name of all that is good in us.



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