Saturday 12 July 2014

                                           YOU WHO ENLIGHTENED THE WORLD
                                   BIRTH PLACE OF THE BELIEF IN THE ONE GOD

Now more than ever the Middle East needs an inspirational and exceptional Statesman like Leadership
unafraid to lead EGYPT boldly into the future with peace, harmony, respect, acceptance, inclusion and
all participating in the GREATER good of EGYPT.

The Ethnic and Religious Diversity of the egyptian people individually and collectively have the opportunity to set an example and lay the foundation now for the greater good of all the people in EGYPT AND THE MIDDLE EAST.


The principle of the CORCECAN CURSE Must be broken through FORGIVENESS and for the LOVE of all LIFE. The purest form of prayer is a good deed.

We should remind ourselves that there is no superior race or faith only one GOD and in the belief of
the THEOANTHROPOS in our hearts.

GENERAL AL-SISI now is your time to show the WORLD and all your  PEOPLE that you are the
Leader to bring Peace ( as you are trying) in your beloved Country and it is hoped to the whole of the
Middle East.

You have the Power and Respect of your people use this Power and Position WISELY with JUSTICE
FOR ALL YOUR PEOPLE as an incorruptible leader who cares only for his people and the Scared land of EGYPT.

Forgive me General i don’t mean to lecture but it is my belief that if enough of us affirm our love of
peace for humanity, God will here us for i am one of the fortunate people who doesn't  live in a war zone.

I ask you General free the the three journalists, it is not your answer to prove YOUR point, a free press
is your answer, when as by your actions all will know that you are a JUST LEADER, by having a free press you will know what is happening and what everybody is thinking, wasn’t it Alexander The Great who said “ i want my enemy next to me so that i will know how they are thinking” only by a free press ( they are your ears and eyes) everybody will know what it is you are trying to achieve for EGYPT.

G B a Greek Australian  written for the love Peace in the World in the belief that the scared prayer applies to all of us  BISMILLAH AL-RAHMAN, AL-RAHIM.  thank you no publicity.


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