Sunday 5 October 2014

                                            AUSTRALIAN WARRIORS OF PEACE
         All of you who lay and have laid down your lives on the line for Peace & Freedom for your
         fellow ANTHROPO, god bless you, keep you safe and return to us in excellent health of mind,
         body & spirit.
         Knowing that you/we are not divorced of peace, harmony & love connecting to that spark of
         Infinite Intelligence with in and part of us that rises up to our Highest Human Spiritual Self.

        Fighting for all the Holy & Blessed Freedoms that we enjoy in this our Great & Beautiful
        Australia as a selfless ACT defending & protecting all our Brother & Sisters for a Righteous
        Just Cause.

        When you pull the trigger do it without Hate in your mind and heart knowing it is saving lives
        & bringing the Holy & Blessed Freedoms we enjoy not as conquering heros but as WARRIORS                          
        OF PEACE to those BRUTALISED OPPRESSED INNOCENT people in there own

        GB AUSTRALIA       IN THE NAME OF GOODNESS & MERCY    no publicity thank you

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