Sunday 29 March 2015

                                                      PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA
                                       YOU HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD FOREVER
                                          THE WORLD NOW HAS THE OBAMA FACTOR
            Under your Presidency America has become the Leader in the World As Warriors of
            Peace for the rights of all people Respecting & Accepting all People as THEOANTHROPI
            in Universal love of HUMANITY.
            Shoot first ask questions after has been replaced with :
            Advancing the meaning of Freedom by lifting the Dignity of the Individual Human Person
            as an Equal Child of god THEOANTHROPOS.

            A Unified Force in the Power of your (our) True & Pure Intentions by resisting violence &
            agression as the lone LAWMAN RIDING into Town.
            The World is more aware of the Inhumane, Callous & Heartless Aggressors.

            You have shown FILORTIMO.
             You and others like you have focused on not playing & acting as God but Working with
             God for the greater good of Humanity.

             God Bless you Mr President & American Warriors of Peace in rising up above our Human
             Animal Self to our Human Spiritual Self.

             G B Australia     no publicity    thank you       forgive me, this is written with great respect
                                                                                      & admiration for the work & teaching you
                                                                                      have given the World.

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