Sunday 27 September 2015

                                                         SACREDNESS OF LIFE
                                                         THE POWER OF LOVE
                                                         THE POWER OF HOPE
                                                         THE POWER OF FAITH

                For those of us able to give to those who have lost one or all three a GOOD DEED from the
                heart is the most powerful form of prayer to help save and to heal the wounded mind, body &
                spirit of our brothers, sisters & children REFUGEES.
                GOD BLESS you Angela Merkel & all who are of the same understanding heart.

               Through Human History Diaspora of people has influenced & changed Countries propelling
               advancement in every sphere of life (generally) especially if allowing for the Greater
               FREEDOMS rather then Tyrannical Oppressive Regimes.
               To that end all the Refugees know how to survive & to prosper given a helping hand to
               live & work .
               Let us set up SETTLEMENT ZONES through out EUROPE ( not CAMPS, not
               DETENTION CENTRES ringed with walls, fences & barb wire) OPEN & FREE in
               every Country, town & village within or on the out skirts.

              Setting up Live & Work Structures giving them START UP CAPITAL so as to allow them
              to set SHOP in there new life until there Country is safe to return to in safety & FREEDOM
              if they so choose.
              The Settlement Zones will allow the people with the Start Up Capital CREATE:
              IDEAS to help themselves & there people
              BUSINESS markets within the Zones & without
              FREE MARKETS for there Communities & the wider economy
              INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY from all of the Educated people in the Refugee

             All of this will create Self Employment, Self Sufficiency which will lead to less Dependancy
             on the state.
             Allowing cross pollination from Zones to Zones & to the wider Communities & the Economy
             will only promote & enhance all the above for the Individual / Collective good of all of Europe.

             Leaders, Elders & Religious Leaders Prayers & Guidance promoting Peace, Harmony for the
             Greater Good of all.
             GB Australia       no publicity thank you       Respect will lead to Acceptance then to inclusion
                                                                               then to participation as love is the binder of all things
                                                                               and as Equal Theoanthropi.

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