Tuesday 28 May 2013

                                                           HOPE            LOVE         FAITH  
                                                                HEARTFELT FILORTIMO

GOLDEN DAWN.  An open letter to the members of golden dawn, you should be proud and gratefull
for the work you are doing to help our fellow GREEKS.
As a Greek Australian it touched my heart for my brothers and sisters of Mother Greece but NOT at the expence of our lack of humanity - our  FILORTIMO.

I was sadden when i saw the violent, vicious and malicious racist treatment of our fellow human beings
as if they were animals ( we treat our animals better) just because they are not Greeks.
We should all care what is happening in the rest of the world, of mans inhumanity to man which is why we need to be an example to the rest of the World as we have been throughout our glorious History.

How would you like to be treated  as a lesser human being, it could be you or your family.

You can choose to continue on that path showing your selfess arrogant inhumane brutality or choose
that there is another way, non violent, caring ANTHROPIA as did "Many people who made a difference in the World :       OUR LORD JESUS
                                              NELSON MANDELA
                                              MIKHAIL GORBACHEV
                                              OUR BELOVED SAINTS
                                              THOMAS JEFFERSON                  
                                              WILLIAM WILBERFORCE
                                               ALBERT EINSTEIN
                                               MARTIN LUTHER KING
                                               MAHATMA GANDHI
                                               MOTHER TERESA
                                               ANNE FRANK
                                               HELEN KELLER
                                               CATHERINE THE GREAT
                                                LEO TOLSTOY
                                                ST TERESA OF AVILA
                                                AUGN SAN SUU KYI
                                                BOB GELDOF
                                                POPE JOHN PAUL 11
                                                BARACK OBAMA

We also need to pay tribute to the many Heroic Warriors who gave there lives for freedom and freedom
from oppression.
Let us not descend into Nationalistic Fanaticism but rather turn to Goodness and Mercy love and understanding as all those enlightened people on the above list have for the greater good of all and as  we have stood throughout our rich History

Now is when we show the light of our FILORTIMO, Rather to share my piece of bread then to deny
my fellow human being the same chance to live.


GB AUSTRALIA       no personal publicity   thanks


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