Sunday 16 June 2013

                                                 WALK IN THE OTHER'S SHOES
                                                 The Enjoyment & Unenjoyable of life  
For generations, we Irish have have left our shores in search of a new life,and Australia continues to
welcome us in droves. we embraced our new country, mates and lifestyle with passion, while we continue to keep treasured Irish culture and traditions close to the heart.
At paddy the baker our goal is to provide our fellow Irish with the freshest, most authenenic foods
from home while sharing the joy with our fellow aussies too"

These words  echo that of the 200 different races that we share and feel with our Irish brothers and sisters for this great country.

That is why we should all (200 races) remember to conduct ourselves as respectfull law- abiding
citizens especially those of us of non anglo- saxon heritage as it reflects on all of us (in some circamstances) like a fly in a glass of milk, especially with any media beat up, an inclusive not a divisive society.

This is about you and me, all of us and the diversity that makes us AUSTRALIANS who and  what we                                     
strive to be, a peaceful, loving, harmonious society treating each other with:
RESPECT as equal human beings believing in our oneness with divinity.
ACCECPTANCE with social justice, living, working, praying & playing in peace & safety.
INCLUSION with all the blessed FREEDOMS into society and the Australian way of life.
PARTICIPATION with love of family service to community and country abiding by the laws,
conducting ourselves with goodness, mercy,love, understanding and forgiveness.
HARMONY creating peace, enjoyment of life and happiness.
                                          THE FACE OF RACISM
Racism in varying degrees exists in most human beings of most races/cultures expressed or not expreesed, hidden or suppressed that each of us needs to conquer/ control otherwise the worst
and an ugly side can manifest itself at times in a hurtfull,hateful manner resulting in insults and humiliation of a person or a group of people.

Ethenic Australians find it difficult to handle & accecpt insensitive comments let alone Racist insults
from any quarter but that we members of the ethnic communities can bring it on ourselves also. Generally there is an immediate feeling of empathy, mutual respect  and understanding between different enthic Australians, the attitude, felt but not necessarily expressed, "you are different stigma" is always there from some people, that enthic Australians can see and feel.

This is why we must walk in each other's shoes. So yes let as much light shine on the New Racism Laws for those that would disrupt that inclusive harmony, that most of us want and strive for,with their
vicious and malicious racial hatred,otherwise it could fester and erupt, worse, God forbid, it is only
a short walk to hateful intimidating nationalistic fanaticism.

Arguments and differences will happen that may not be racially offensive, anger & frustration can
bring on the wrong chioce of words that are insensitive and hurtful making that person or persons
feel inferior and not wanted. Someone said, you know, I can accecpt that you don't love me, I can
even accecpt that you don't like me, but what I do expect is that you accecpt me as an equal human being, not inferior, especially with regards to my faith.
I recommend that we all watch the movie -  A House of Sand and Fog.

Are we also aware that their are people here & now of  established enthic & emerging enthic people who are septical/afraid of participating and hide their racial heritage anglicising their name for fear of non accecptance, alienation & or racial vilification, media sterotyping instead of acceepting us as mainstream doesn't help, eg in a discussion with others all with a few drinks,this person announces, i have an"ethnic"greatgrandfather in my family but shooos! i don't want every body here to know which blew us away having known the person for sometime & there are others who don't talk about their background.

What a sad indictment for us as a so- called tolerant society,by the way that word said in the wrong tone or way can be hurtful & spiteful because i don't want you to tolerate me. I want you to accecpt me, i know i have to do my bit as part of the principles of Australian society but it can also have the effect, i'm the Master you are the servant dogma.

Anyway we are here, lets work together for the greater good or be selfessly divisive racist verbal
BULLIES. For there are some in our society that dont know the difference between Assimalation and    

Also what if we were to deny our Heritage "you would not respect me in the morning" as in history past in the treatment of those that denied their heritage from all sides.

                                             LIVING WITH RACISM
Some light hearted experiences of my youth as i am sure we all have had, in moments when kids want
to hurt I was called " Greek Beak " obviously because of my snoze. Needless to say many fights occured.
Not that i was a good fighter. As if that wasn't enough, yours truly waved a red flag at my anglo( 85%) school mates ( mates after many bruises behind the classroom & the help of my playing cricket ) my uncle gave me apair of Julius Marlow shoes that he brought out from Europe, the NEW fashion,( yes
you guessed it with the pointed toe,) well, i didn't hear the end of it, did i? Back behind the classroom
more fights, bloody & brused ( never telling on the boys of course) i of course continued to wear those F...... shoes to not give in to them.

About 6-12 months later the European fashion came to Ausrtralia and of course nearly every kid had a pair of these new funny Greek beak shoes and what's more we all wore them to the annual
school dance, naturally the girls from our sister school were rightly impressed.

I write of my experiences only so as to bring some undestanding to our new emerging ethnic
communities especialy the younger generation that it has been worse and how far we have come
and how much more we need to do individually & collectively for the greater good.

I should say that when my school mates & i got to do history( particularly ancient history ) especially
with a great teacher a different understanding emerged from some of the boys on their realising
on the effect the various cultures had on the world stage over thousands of years and that we weren't so
different after all.
                               UNDERSTANDING RACIST FEELINGS

An informed & educated (not just 1+2 = 3 but the world & its people & the world of books)
society advances the human spirit of knowledge & understanding replaceing fear & ignorance
with respect & accecptance, of listening to the other person's point of view,but we are afraid
 to open up the subject of Multiculturalism for fear of offending & not being politicly
correct which i believe is holding the country back, yes we have come a long way & one of a few
accecpting countries of the west.
And yes the racial card should not be used & abused at the drop of an inconsiderate word or for politicalisation & media beatup.

What is it that some people are afraid of? Hordes of refugees taking over the joint! We forget there's
200 different races that will stare down any individual or group that would disrupt the inclusive
harmony we are all contirbuting to for this blessed country the land of the dreamtime of the noble
Aboriginal Native Australian

Theirs no doubt that every sovereign country has the right to decide who comes to their country,
it also helps that we're an island, but with our hand on our heart to help those in need as we do.

Yes by all means let us not stifle those elements of the society we most prize (afr jan 25th) but shining
the light on these new racial laws goes beyond all that, this is about taking Australia out of the dark & murky ages of Racism & Bigotry.

What happened to Jeremy Fernandez & the lastest bus incident is a spine chilling example of the racism that does not belong in this day & age being the worst form of vicious & malicious racism and why we all need to understand the " FEELING OF WALKING IN THE OTHER'S SHOES".

Hence all the more reason why we should all work together to ensure that vicious, malicious intent &
incitement of hatred & racism are understood for what they are & what they can do to our society
and YES we should remind ourselves often to be grateful that we are not REFUGEES & not having to
migrate out of this Blessed Country.

 It is up to all of us individually & collectively especially our political,business,church Leaders & Elders of all the communities to help, guide, mentor, teach Understanding, Respect, Acceptance, inclusion, peace & harmony for the greater good of this our Beloved Mother Australia's Future.
                                WALKING TOGETHER IN THE OTHER'S SHOES
As we transcend the racial divide & lift ourselves out of fear & ignorance through greater education these new racial laws & attitudes will be relegated to the waste basket of cultural ignorance, prejudge, racism & bigotry significantly increasing our standing in the international community & therefore our standard of living and our understanding of each other.

As in various periods of human history their have been great enlightened advancements of the human
spirit so too by the grace of god and the will of the people through our ethnic diversity OUR BELOVED AUSTRALIA can be the showcase in the millennium of human enlightenment without losing our Australianess.

God help us to live UNITED as an example with wisdom love faith hope truth justice & humanity that we all share in our hearts for AUSTRALIA & our World.

 written by G.B    seeking no personal publicity      thanks                                        drafted 31/3/13                                                          
 For the unity of purpose in the transcendance of the racial divide through our love of righteousness.

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